Minggu, 04 November 2007

cRy frOm jamES bLunt

I have seen peace. I have seen pain,
Resting on the shoulders of your name.
Do you see the truth through all their lies?
Do you see the world through troubled eyes?
And if you want to talk about it anymore,
Lie here on the floor and cry on my shoulder,
I'm a friend.

I have seen birth. I have seen death.
Lived to see a lover's final breath.
Do you see my guilt? Should I feel a fright?
Is the fire of hesitation burning bright?
And if you want to talk about it once again,
On you I depend. I'll cry on your shoulder.
You're a friend.

You and I have lived through many things.
I'll hold on to your heart.
I wouldn't cry for anything,
But don't go tearing your life apart.

I have seen fear. I have seen faith.
Seen the look of anger on your face.
And if you want to talk about what will be,
Come and sit with me, and cry on my shoulder,
I'm a friend.
And if you want to talk about it anymore,
Lie here on the floor and cry on my shoulder,
Once again.
Cry on my shoulder,
I'm a friend.

suPerNATuraL IS So cooL!!!!

kerJAan barUw tiap seteNGAH 9 MAlam nIY..
Apalagi kalouw bukan noNton superNATuraL di tranS 7..

CERITAnya tentang dua orang kakak beradik, saM and Dean, yang melakukaN perJALAnan from oNE PLAce to another uNtuk membanTU memecahKAn kasus-kasus misterI gituw. ngeLanjutin kerjaan bapaknYA dulUw yanG TIBA-TIBA MENGHilaNg..

yanG MERANin kakak beradik dalam dRama seri iNi adalaH jarEd padalEcky (YANG perNAh maeN DI gILMOre giRl) as SAM anD JENSEn aCkLes (SMALLville, dawSons CreeK..) As DeaN.

InIY FIlm menurutkuw kereN BANGED!!! MESKipUN UJUNG cERITA DARi tiaP EPISODE Bisa DITEBAk DAn pastinya Itu hanTU-HANtunya kadanG SUKA BIKIN MERINDING taPI TEuTEp asIk BuWAd diliaT..

I Love jenSen acKLEs for suRE MESKipun sepertinya frontmanNya si JARed pADAleckY..



KEREn kalIY ya bisa Punya pengALAm seru kayaK DEAn and sAM....
KAlouw kUW siH MAu-maU AJA ngebUru HANtu asaL yang nemenIn ya,,mereKA berdua,,


Sabtu, 03 November 2007

haLoo dUnia barUkuw..
let mE starT everythinG bY Introduce MyseLf..
let SAy namaKuw FieRA..

LengkaPna ade Fira aMier..
kenapa AdE?
BECAuse I am THE yoUngesT One iN mY famILY..

2 ceweK..
2 COwoK..

I was Born iN one Of the BESt place In the WOrld.
kOTA AMBON MANise, iBukoTA PROVinsi MAluku..
KOta saGU..
koTA dengaN pantaI-PANtaI yanG INDah..
kota YANg terLAmpaU manise..

I lOVE ReadiNG..
I Love listeNing MuzziEkk..

daN AKuw suka SEKALi nONtOn fiLm..

bLog iNi dibUAt olehKUW yanG BELUm taWu apa-Apa..
sedanG belajaR MENUANgkan CERita SEHARi-harI KEDALAm bentuk tulisaN..


It's aLL abOUD me..
whaT I lOVE ANd whaT I haTEE..


WId Luv..